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Contextual Map Layers
Property data & map layers just a swipe away. Tab through detailed property info and rich map overlays to access the property data you need.

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Unleash the power of dynamic, interactive property maps that showcase every aspect of your land.

All Plans Include Contextual Land Info, Basemaps & Overlays.
Enjoy the Land id™ and Land id Pro plans on your phone and the web
Property Information
Owner Info
- Current Owner Name
- Owner’s Address
Land Info
- Total Acres
- Land Square Feet
- Assessed Value
- Land Value
- Land Use
- Property ID Number
Tax Info
- Sales Price & Date
- Mortgage Amount & Length
- Property Taxes
- Improvement Value
- Transaction Type
- Lender & Title Company
Building Info
- Building Type
- Number of Buildings
- Year Built
- Square Footage
- Bedrooms & Baths
- Energy Use Type
- Construction Type
- AC & Heating
7 Basemaps and Over 40 Map Overlays
- 4 High-Res Aerial Maps
- Modern & Vintage USGS Topo Maps
- Contoured Explore Map & Street Map
Water Layers
- Surface Water
- FEMA Floodplain
- Wetlands
- Water Wells
- Aquifers: Principal, Major & Minor
- Water Districts
- CCN Water Utilities
- FEMA Panels & LOMRs
- 8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC)
Soil Layer
- Soil Composition & Use
Infrastructure Layers
- Pipelines
- Oil Wells
- Transmission Lines
- Substations
- Airports & Railroads
- Solar Farms, Wind Farms & Wind Turbines
- Ind. System Operators
- Power Plants
Property Layers
- Nationwide Public & Private Boundaries
- Property Owner Names
Outdoor Layers
- Contour Lines
- Fed/State Land
- Summits and Gaps
- Wilderness Areas
- Game Mgmt Areas
Boundary Layers
- Land Use
- City Limits
- Schools: Elementary, Secondary, Unified
- Opportunity Zones
- Zip Code Tabulation
- Townships
- Abstracts
- Conservation Easements
- County Lines
Nearby Layers
- Housing Developments
- Points of Interest
- Summits and Gaps
- Wilderness Areas
- Grazing Allotments