Mapping Over 300 Acres of Montana's Native Beauty
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Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Montana's Bridger Foothills lies a 342± acre property overflowing with beauty and opportunity.
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Property Mapping Methods and Tools of the Trade
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We’ve been using maps to better understand our world for millennia, and from the very beginning, the goal of cartographers has been to represent the data as clearly as possible.
What's Going on With Commercial Real Estate?
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The coronavirus outbreak has impacted every sector of the economy. Depending on who you talk to, it is either plunging towards another Great Depression or preparing to rebound in the latter half of 2020. In either case, one thing everyone expects from this economic crisis is the commercial real estate market to be impacted in some way. It is in the unique position of feeling both the brunt of businesses’ inability to pay rent as well as a fear that the new trend of working from home will last much longer than the current crisis. What does this mean for commercial real estate moving forward?
Why Foresters Need a Certified Land Ownership Map
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As a property owner, you shouldn’t overlook the importance of having your land surveyed and an official land ownership map drafted. Besides locating, measuring and monumenting a property’s boundaries and corners, you’ll also learn other details such as issues regarding legal description, boundary location, trespass, encroachment or other problems.
Engaging Property Maps and Data in Smarter Water Management
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All over the country - but especially in the desert Southwest and semi-arid plains - farmers and ranchers worry about water. It’s the real liquid gold, necessary in everything they do, and they use a lot of it. According to the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, 85% of US water consumption can be attributed to agriculture.
Land id™ Update: Add Matterport 3D Experiences To Your Maps!
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Adding 360experiences into your interactive maps is a great way to get as close as we can for somebody to feel like they’re out on the property.
As appraisers, it’s imperative we have strong mapping software...
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Not only does Land id™ (formerly MapRight) offer everything we need, but they set the bar in customer service. We have been heavily involved with Land id™ since 2018 and are extremely happy not only with their product, but also with their consistent, reachable, user-friendly customer service.