Real estate agents specializing in timber sales can easily visualize timber stand listings in Land id™.
Simply import an ESRI shape file including all of the stand attributes. Then quickly visualize and label your timber stand in a Land id™ map. Easily add details like age, size, class, distribution and composition with our attribute and label tool. Highlight water features, trails and access points. Then put all of this information at prospective investors' fingertips with a shared map.
Pricing and marketing timberlands just got easier.
Learn how to create a map like this:
- How to make maps in Land id™
- Import geographic files into your map
- Draw detailed maps using the feature palette
- Manage and visualize data with attributes

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Want to know more?
All of Land id’s™ advanced mapping features is just the beginning. We want to see what you will do with the tools in each of our plans, and we are here to help you create dynamic maps for your team, every step of the way.